ECE :: Analog Electronics
- The action of JFET in its equivalent circuit can best be represented as a
- In a p⁺n junction diode under reverse bias , the magnitude of electric field is maximum at
- To prevent a DC return between source and load, it is necessary to use
- A constant current signal across a parallel RLC circuits gives an o/p of 1.4v at the signal frequency of 3.89KHZ and 4.1KHZ. At the frequency of 4KHZ,the o/p voltage will be
- If=0.98, Ico=6µA and Iβ=100µA for a transistor,then the value of Ic will be
- Which of the following is not associated with a p-n junction
- An npn BJT has gm=38mA/v, cµ =10¯14 F, cπ =10¯13F and DC current gain β0=90.For this transistor fT & fβ are
- Negative feedback in an amplifier