Verbal Ability :: Comprehension
Organizations are big institutions where people work for a common goal and compete with each other for power and status. In pursuit of their interests, they form groups and sectional interests emerge. As a result, the goals of the organizations may be drifted in favor of groups' interests and benefits. This deviation sometimes prevents the emergence of organic systems. Most of the electronic firms have established research and development departments employing highly qualified and experienced scientists and technicians. Their expertise and high pay may be a threat to the established order of rank, power, and status. Most of the senior managers lack the expertise and knowledge of technicalities and new developments in the field of electronics. So, the manager may feel that working in close cooperation with the experts may reveal their ignorance and show their experience is now obsolete.
The theme of the passage is
The goals of the organization will be drifted
Policy decision in an organization would give emphasis on
As per the passage, what have electronic firms employed?
What may the managers feel working with highly qualified and experienced scientists?