ECE :: Microprocessors
The five flags in 8085 are designated as
It is desired to evaluate the expression
The Pascal equivalent to ensure minimum computer time should be written as
F = B cos Y + C cos2 Y + A cos3 Y -
In 8085 which addressing mode is also called inherent addressing?
Consider the following statements for 8085
- The most significant 8 bits of address are transmitted on the 8 lines on which data is transmitted.
- Eight pins are dedicated to transmit the most significant 8 bits of memory address.
- The least significant 8 bits of address are transmitted on the lines on which data is transmitted.
- The data and leass significant 8 bits are transmitted at different points in time.
Read the following statements about 8085
instruction rotatesACC
contents left by 1 bit- When
instruction is executed once the binary number gets doubled STC
means setCY
to 1
In a computer the data transfer between hard disk and CPU is nearly the same as that between diskette and CPU.