ECE :: Microprocessors
Consider the following statements about expressing real constants in exponential form in C
- The mantissa and exponent are separated either by e or E.
- The mantissa and exponent may have positive or negative sign.
- Default sign of mantissa is positive.
- Default sign of exponent is negative.
If F = 95.0 what will be the result of following FORTRAN 77 program?
READ * , F
C = (5. / 9.) * (F - 32.) -
Consider the following library functions
EXP (i.e., ex)
ARCTAN (i.e. tan-1 x)
SQRT (i.e., x)
AES (i.e. |x|)
Which of the above are allowed in Pascal? -
Consider the following program in Basic
10 READ X, Y, Z
15 DATA 20, 30, 10
20 S = X + Y + Z
30 A = S/3
35 PRINT S, A, X, Y, Z
40 END
The output will be -
Let the initial contents of
ACC and CY
in 8085 beCY = 1
ACC = 10000001
is executed twice the contents ofCY and ACC
respectively will be -
Assuming that k is an integer what would the result of following expression in C
k = 2* 3 / 5 + 4 / 4 + 8 - 2 - 4 / 8