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Puzzles :: Who Am I? Puzzles

  1. You can take four of the five letters out of this word, but the pronunciation never changes. What is the word?

  2. I am an odd number; take away an alphabet and I become even. What number am I?

  3. I Know a strange word , which
    if written upside or down or even forward,
    if written forward or backward,
    if read from left to right,
    if read from right to left,

    still be readable as same

  4. What has one letter and starts with an E?

  5. I have forests, but no trees.
    I have lakes, but no water.
    I have roads, but no cars.

    What Am I ?

  6. I look at you, you look at me I raise my right,you raise your left. What am I ?

  7. I can bring a smile to your face,
    I can bring a tear to your eye,
    I can bring a thought to your mind.

    But, no one can see me.

    What am I ?

  8. I know a english word which has :
    kst' in the middle
    'in' the beginning
    'and' at the end.

    which word i am talking about ?

  9. They can be interesting,
    They can be boring,

    They can be long,
    They can be short,
    They can have pictures,
    They can be just words.

    Many love them,
    Many Also hate them.

    What are They ?

  10. If you throw me from the window,
    I will leave a grieving wife.

    Bring me back, but in the door, and
    You'll see someone giving life!

    What am I ?