In each square, multiply the top and bottom numbers together to give a 2 digit result, and put the letters with the numerical values of each digit in the left and right hand spaces.
In each star, calculate the difference between the 2 left hand and 2 right hand numbers. The value at the top of each star equals the product of these differences, and the value at the bottom of each star equals the difference between these 2 differences.
In each figure, calculate the difference between the upper and lower left hand numbers, and the upper and lower right hand numbers and multiply these differences together to give the value at the top.
In each triangle shape, start at the left hand side of the longest row and move to the right, then on the next row and to the left, and finally to the third row. Add together the first two numbers and subtract 1 to give the next value around.
Working from top to bottom, and reading each row as a 3 digit number, rows are arranged in order of the Square Numbers, from 11 to 15, with the digits reversed in each case.
Take values in corresponding positions of the outer 4 shapes, and put the results in the central shape, rotating the position of this result by 1/4 turn each time.