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Logical Reasoning :: Evaluating an Interface

  1. Read the passage and answer the following questions:

    The XYZ cooperative milk marketing federation of India Limited has targeted a sales turnover of Rs. 10,000 crore by the year 2005. As a part of its projections for the next five years, the federation had envisaged Rs. 100 crore worth of exports per year as against its present exports of Rs. 30 crore per year.
    As per the federation's plan, the future network will include 100 offices dealing with about 7500 stockists, who in turn would be covering every taluka headquarters and servicing about 10 lakh odd outlets. Its immediate strategy would be to cater to India's next door neighbours for exports of milk products.
    The main players in the business in the world are India, United States, Europe, New Zealand and Australia, out of which Europe and United States are forced to go for subsidising due to rising labour cost while Australia and New Zealand are far away from India.

    By 2005, more than 90 percent of product of XYZ will be used for domestic market.
  2. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  3. The federation's emphasis to be more on exports than on domestic consumption of its products.
  4. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  5. By 2005, India will be the largest player in the milk industry.
  6. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  7. India does not have an immediate competitor in exporting milk and its product to neighbouring countries.
  8. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  9. The XYZ Federation may have no train additional manpower to enable it to reach all corners of India and its neighbouring countries.
  10. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  11. Read the passage and answer the following questions:

    There is some controversy about the percentage of population below the poverty line in India. The criteria for the poverty line are based on a person's nutritional requirements in terms of calories. It is assumed that the minimum nutritional requirement per person per day in rural areas is 2400 calories, where as it is 2200 calories in urban areas. If the household is unable to bear the expenditure for this level of nutrition, it is categorised as below the poverty line. There is also a view that along with calories the amount of protein intake be treated as a criterion as it is related to the physical energy, mental alertness and resistance to infections.

    Many Indians who are below the poverty line get necessary amount pf proteins.
  12. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  13. People well above the poverty line are less likely to suffer from infections.
  14. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  15. India's poverty alleviation programmes can only succeed after reaching agreement about the poverty line.
  16. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  17. People in urban area do less physical work compared to people in rural area.
  18. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false

  19. In other countries, there is no controversy about defining the poverty line.
  20. A.
    If the inference is definitely true
    If the inference is probably true
    If the data are inadequate
    If the inference is probably false
    If the inference is definitely false