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Discussion :: Logarithm

  1. If log10 Apti Logarithm = 2, find the value of x.

  2. A.
    2, 10
    1, 5
    12, 24
    6, 30

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    Answer : Option A

    Explanation :

    We have log10 = 2

    Or, we can write it as log10 = 2 log10 10

    Or, log10 = 2 log10 100

    Therefore, both side log will be canceled out.

    Apti Logarithm

    Or, = 4

    We know that √x = a, or x1/2 = a, then x = a2

    Similarly, x2 - 12x + 36 = 42

    Or, x2 - 12x + 36 = 16

    Or, x2 - 12x + 20=0

    Now, (x-2)(x-10) = 0

    Or, x-2 = 0, and x-10 =0

    Therefore, we can say that x = 2, x = 10

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