Discussion :: Para Completion
Starfish, sequoias, salamanders and the rest of the earth's residents may seem very diverse, but they are surprisingly similar on the molecular scale. ---- Planets and moons that have hints of liquid water have been ranked high on the list of potential sites for life-detection missions.(A) All species that scientists have studied need liquid water to survive, for example.(B) Further they all rely on DNA to carry genetic information, and they all use that information to build proteins from the same set of building blocks, known as amino acids.(C) Scientists have long looked to life on the earth to guide their search for life in other worlds.
Answer : Option E
Explanation :
The opening sentence hints at the similarity of the apparently diverse living organisms. Sentence A tell us about this similarity - (i.e.) the need for liquid water. Sentence B also gives us another similarity among these organisms - their dependency on DNA for genetic transfer. Now, the last sentence talks about the possibility of life in other planets and this idea is presented to us in sentence C. Hence, the two given sentences along with all the three statements make a coherent paragraph.
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