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Discussion :: Ordering of Sentences

  1. The study of the effect of exercise on the immune system involves extensive research and analysis.

    A. It is found in studies that exercise helps improve the functions of the immune cells.
    B. For example, if a patient is suffering from a sore throat, the yoga pose "Sarvangasana" can reduce the frequency of the infection.
    C. This increases the immunity cells in those areas.
    D. In yoga, regional immunity can be improved by improving the blood circulation of an area.

    Immunity can also be improved by de-stressing the body and mind.

  2. A.

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    Answer : Option A

    Explanation :

    It is found in studies that exercise helps improve the functions of the immune cells. In yoga, regional immunity can be improved by improving the blood circulation of an area. This increases the immunity cells in those areas. For example, if a patient is suffering from a sore throat, the yoga pose "Sarvangasana" can reduce the frequency of the infection.

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