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Discussion :: Ordering of Sentences

  1. More than 80% of the nation's primary schools are run by government bodies and most of them are underperforming.

    A. On the literacy front, we are adding millions of virtual illiterates from these government schools.
    B. The poor performance of government schools is the primary reason why the majority of students of these schools, even after completing five to six years of education, do not acquire the required literacy and numeric skills.
    C. This is one of the main reasons why 25 % of children in the primary school of the age group 6 to 10 years don't continue the study.
    D. What is the impact of these underperforming primary schools on our students and education system?

    As 39% of our population is illiterate, illiteracy will continue till next century.

  2. A.

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    Answer : Option C

    Explanation :

    This is one of the main reasons why 25 % of children in the primary school of the age group 6 to 10 don't continue the study. The poor performance of government schools is the primary reason why the majority of students of these schools, even after completing five to six years of education, do not acquire the required literacy and numeric skills. What is the impact of these underperforming primary schools on our students and education system? On the literacy front, we are adding millions of virtual illiterates from these government schools.

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