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Discussion :: Ordering of Sentences

  1. Why the doctors are worried, shows what happens to our eyes in the bright sunlight without sunglasses.

    A. the harmful infrared and UV lights are not blocked to the same extent
    B. But when you walk into sunshine wearing sunglasses, your eyes feel comfortable, and your pupils remain wide open
    C. The pupils of our eyes contract to protect the soft visual receptors inside.
    D. For, in fact, many sunglasses screen only visible light.

    These rays are not good for the eyes.

  2. A.

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    Answer : Option A

    Explanation :

    Why the doctors are worried, shows what happens to our eyes in the bright sunlight without sunglasses. The pupils of our eyes contract to protect the soft visuals receptors inside. But when you walk into sunshine wearing sunglasses, your eyes feel comfortable and your pupils remain wide open. For, in fact, many sunglasses screen only visible light, the harmful infrared and UV lights are not blocked to the same extent. These rays are not good for the eyes.

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