Starting on the top left, and moving clockwise around the diagram, add the first two values together to give the next value along. Repeat this sequence.
For each star, add the outer numbers together and divide by 3 for the left hand, 4 for the centre, and 5 for the right hand, putting the result in the centre.
Add together numbers in corresponding segments of the upper two and lower left circles to give the values in corresponding segments of the lower right circle.
Starting at the top and moving down, reading each pair of boxes as a 2 digit number, add the separate digits to the 2 digit number as a whole, and put the result in the 2 boxes below. Continue this sequence as you move down.
In each triangle, add together the lower two digits and subtract 2 for the left hand triangle, 3 for the middle and 4 for the right hand triangle, putting the result at the apex of the triangle.
In each circle, multiply the top two numbers together, and divide by 2 for the left hand circle, 3 for the centre, and 4 for the right hand circle, putting the result in the lower segment.