In each diagram, add the numerical value of the upper right and left letters to the lower right and left letters, to give the letters in the centre of the columns. Calculate the difference between these middle letters to give the value of the letter right at the centre.
Start in the top left of the diagram and move to the right, then down one row and to the left, and finally to the right again. Letters are written in alphabetic order, in steps of 5 letters at a time.
Start with the A in the bottom left corner, and move in a clockwise spiral around the diagram towards the centre. Letters are written in alphabetic order, in steps of 6 letters at a time.
Start with the top left grid and move around the others in a clockwise spiral towards the centre. Letters follow alphabetic sequences, skipping 1, 2, 3 and 4 letters at a time, with their relative positions in each grid rotating 1/4 turn clockwise each time.
In each row, add together the numerical values of the pairs of letters to the left and right, then calculate their difference, putting the letter with this numerical value in the centre space.
Start on the top left of the diagram, and move from left to right, top row to bottom row. Letters advance through the alphabet in steps of 6, 7 then 8, before repeating this pattern.
Starting on the top left, and moving around the whole diagram in an anti- clockwise direction, outside then inside, letters advance through the alphabet 5 letters at a time.