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Puzzles :: Logical Riddles

  1. A hole leading in, a hole leading out, we connect to a cavern that is slimy all throughout. What are we?


  2. I am free yet priceless, you can't own me but you can use me, you can't keep me but you can spend me. Once you lost me you can never have me back. What am I?


  3. On a fine sunny day a ship was in the harbor. All of a sudden the ship began to sink. There was no storm and nothing wrong with the ship yet it sank right in front of the spectators eyes. What caused the ship to sink?


  4. I am four letters long, I can be seen in the sky, I am the ocean & I am the sea. Can you guess me?


  5. A thousand colored folds stretch toward the sky, Atop a tender strand, Rising from the land, 'Til killed by maiden's hand, Perhaps a token of love, perhaps to say goodbye. What am I?


  6. I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be. What is it?