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Puzzles :: Logical Riddles

  1. What does man love more than life, hate more than death or mortal strife; that which contented men desire; the poor have, the rich require; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves?


    What kind of goose fights with snakes?


  3. You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?


  4. What word is always pronounced wrong?


  5. What is at the end of a rainbow?


  6. The one who has it does not keep it. It is large and small. It is any shape.


  7. The leaves are on the fruit, The fruits is on the leaves. What is it?


  8. Noelani is outside a shop. She cant read the signs but she knows she needs to go in to make a purchase. What store is she at?


  9. Tuesday, Bill and Jim went to a restaurant they ordered and ate their food and stuff like that. Then they paid the bill, but neither Bill nor Jim paid the bill. Who did?


  10. I am present in a laptop. I am also a human's t-shirt. I have the highest mark in class. I am usually described as something above. What am I?