Home / Mechanical Engineering / Compressors, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines :: Discussion

Discussion :: Compressors, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines

  1. In n₁ and n₂ are the indices of compression for the first and second stage of compression, then the ratio of work-done on the first and second stages (W₁/W₂) with perfect intercooling is given by

  2. A.

     W₁/W₂ = n₂(n₁ - 1)/n₁(n₂ - 1)


     W₁/W₂ = n₁(n₂ - 1)/n₂(n₁ - 1)


     W₁/W₂ = n₁/n₂


     W₁/W₂ = n₂/n₁

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    Answer : Option B

    Explanation :

    In n₁ and n₂ are the indices of compression for the first and second stage of compression, then the ratio of work-done on the first and second stages (W₁/W₂) with perfect intercooling is given by W₁/W₂ = n₁(n₂ - 1)/n₂(n₁ - 1)

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