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Discussion :: Language Fundamentals

  1. What will be the output of the program?

    public class CommandArgsTwo 
       public static void main(String [] argh)         
           int x;  
           x = argh.length;   
           for (int y = 1; y " " + argh[y]);
          System.out.print(" " + argh[y]);       

    and the command-line invocation is

    > java CommandArgsTwo 1 2 3

  2. A.

    0 1 2


    1 2 3


    0 0 0


    An exception is thrown at runtime

    View Answer


    Answer : Option D

    Explanation :

    An exception is thrown because at some point in (System.out.print(" " + argh[y]);), the value of x will be equal to y, resulting in an attempt to access an index out of bounds for the array. Remember that you can access only as far as length - 1, so loop logical tests should use x as opposed to x .

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