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Interview :: Struts

11) What does params interceptor?

The params (also known as parameters) interceptor sets all parameters on the ValueStack.

12) What does execAndWait interceptor?

The execAndWait (also known as ExecuteAndWait) interceptor is used to display intermediate or wait result.

13) What does modelDriven interceptor?

The modelDriven interceptor makes other model as the default object of ValueStack. By default, action is the default object of ValueStack.

14) What does validation interceptor?

The validation interceptor performs validation checks and adds field-level and action-level error messages.

15) What are the bundled validators?
  • requiredstring
  • stringlength
  • email
  • date
  • int
  • double
  • url
  • regex
16) What is the difference between plain-validator and field-validator?

In plain-validator one validator can be applied to many fields. In field-validator many validators can be applied to single field.

17) What is the use of jsonValidation?

The jsonValidation interceptor is used to perform asynchronous validation. It works with validation and workflow interceptors.

18) What are the aware interfaces in struts2?

Aware interfaces are used to store information in request, session, application and response objects. The 4 aware interfaces are given below:

  • ServletRequestAware
  • ServletResponseAware
  • SessionAware
  • ServletContextAware
19) What does i18n interceptor?

The i18n interceptor is used to provide multi lingual support for struts application.