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Interview :: Spring

21) What is JoinPoint?

JoinPoint is any point in your program such as field access, method execution, exception handling etc.

22) Does spring framework support all JoinPoints?

No, spring framework supports method execution joinpoint only.

23) What is Advice?

Advice represents action taken by aspect.

24) What are the types of advice in AOP?

There are 5 types of advices in spring AOP.

  1. Before Advice
  2. After Advice
  3. After Returning Advice
  4. Throws Advice
  5. Around Advice
25) What is Pointcut?

Pointcut is expression language of Spring AOP.

26) What is Aspect?

Aspect is a class in spring AOP that contains advices and joinpoints.

27) What is Introduction?

Introduction represents introduction of new fields and methods for a type.

28) What is target object?

Target Object is a proxy object that is advised by one or more aspects.

29) What is interceptor?

Interceptor is a class like aspect that contains one advice only.

30) What is weaving?

Weaving is a process of linking aspect with other application.