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Interview :: JSF

31) What is h:message tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to display a single message for a particular component. You can display your custom message by passing the id of that component into the for the attribute.

32) What is h:messages tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to displays all messages that were stored in the faces context during the course of the JSF lifecycle.

33) What is h:dataTable tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to create a data table that can be updated dynamically.

34) What are the available validation tags in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

JavaServer Faces technology provides a set of standard classes and associated tags that you can use to validate elements data. A table which contains the validation tags is given.

35) What is f:validateBean tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to register a bean validator to the component. For validating the bean model, you must set the context parameter in the web deployment descriptor file web.xml.

36) What is f:validateDoubleRange tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to check that the value of an input field is within a specific range or not. The value must be a float or double type.

37) What is f:validateLength tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to check whether the length of a component's value is within a specific range or not. The value must be a java.lang.String.

38) What is f:validateLongRange tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to check whether the local value of a component is within a specific range or not. The value must be any numeric type or String that can be converted to a long.

39) What is f:validateRegex tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to check whether the local value of a component is a match against a regular expression from the java.util.regex package or not.

40) What is f:validateRequired tag in JSF (JavaServer Faces)?

It is used to ensure that the local value is not empty on an EditableValueHolder component.