GATE 2017-2018 :: GATE Aeronautical Engineering
- If u(t) is a unit step function, the solution of the differential equation m d2x/dt2 + kx = u(t) in Laplace domain is
- The general solution of the differential equation dy/dx - 2√y = 0 is
- During the ground roll manoeuvre of an aircraft, the force(s) acting on it parallel to the direction of motion
- An aircraft in a steady climb suddenly experiences a 10% drop in thrust. After a new equilibrium is reached at the same speed, the new rate of climb is
- In an aircraft, the dive manoeuvre can be initiated by
- In an aircraft, elevator control effectiveness determines
- For a wing of aspect ratio AR, having an elliptical lift distribution, the induced drag coefficient is (where CL is the lift coefficient)
- Bernoulli's equation is valid under steady state
- The ratio of flight speed to the exhaust velocity for maximum propulsion efficiency is
only along a streamline in inviscid flow, and between any two points in potential flow.
between any two points in both inviscid flow and potential flow.
between any two points in inviscid flow, and only along a streamline in potential flow.
only along a streamline in both inviscid flow and potential flow.