ECE :: Signals and Systems
A rectangular pulse is passed through an L.P.F. The response is a
Consider z transform of a signal as given below
then the response will be -
Assertion (A): If , the final value of i(t) is 2A
Reason (R): As per final value theroem
A signal f(t) = cos 10pt + 3 cos 4pt is instantaneously sampled. The maximum allowable value of sampling interval Ts in sec is
Assertion (A): The rms value of v = 1 + sin ωt is 1.5
Reason (R): If i = I0 + I1m sin ω1t + I3m sin 3ω1t, then
Principle of superposition is applicable to
The range of value "a" for which system will be stable. If impulse response of DT system is = an ∪[n]