Home / Arithmetic Aptitude / Profit and Loss :: Discussion

Discussion :: Profit and Loss

  1. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at Cost Price but still gets 20% profit by using a false weight. What weight does he substitute for a kilogram?
  2. A.
    855 1/2 grams
    833 1/3 grams
    833 1/2 grams
    875 2/7 grams

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    Answer : Option B

    Explanation :

    If the cost price is Rs.100, then to get a profit of 20%, the selling price should be Rs.120.
    If 120kg are to be sold, and the dealer gives only 100kg, to get a profit of 20%.
    How many grams he has to give instead of one kilogram(1000 gm).
    120 gm ------ 100 gm
    1000 gm ------ ?
    (1000 * 100)/120 = 2500/3 = 833 1/3 grams.

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