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Answer : Option B
Explanation :
Egregious means horrible, awful, shocking, too bad, etc.
Answer : Option A
Waylay means ambush, hold up, attack, etc. For example, he waylaid her on the street.
Solemn means sad, serious, grave, etc.
Answer : Option C
Waif means stray, urchin, orphan, etc.
Efface meaning wipe out, eradicate, rub out, rub away, etc.
Apportion means share out, allocate, etc. For example, they planned to apportion the expenses among the residents.
Louche means disreputable, indecent, etc.
Wary means cautious, suspicious, distrustful, etc.
Answer : Option D
'Inscrutable' means hard to make out, not easy to interpret or understood.
Incipient and nascent mean initial, early