Home / Mechanical Engineering / Steam Nozzles and Turbines :: Discussion

Discussion :: Steam Nozzles and Turbines

  1. Relative percentage of heat absorbed through the heat transfer of
    (i) Furnace water wall
    (ii) Boiler tank
    (iii) Superheater
    (iv) Economizer
    (v) Air-heater of a typical boiler of 200 MW capacity would be of the order of

  2. A.

     48 : 20 : 15 : 7 : 10


     10 : 7 : 15 : 20 : 48


     20 : 48 : 7 : 15 : 10


     7 : 15 : 20 : 10 : 48

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    Answer : Option A

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    Explanation Not Provided

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