Home / Logical Reasoning / Course of Action :: Discussion

Discussion :: Course of Action

  1. Statement: Number of dropouts from the municipal schools has significantly increased after withdrawal of mid-day meal scheme.

    Courses of Action:

    1. The government should reconsider its decision of withdrawal of midday meal scheme.
    2. The government should close down some of the municipal schools.
    3. The government should carry out a detailed study to find out the reasons for school dropouts.

  2. A.
    None follows
    Only I follows
    Only I and III follow
    Only II and III follow
    All follow

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    Answer : Option C

    Explanation :

    Clearly, the government ought to find out the reason behind the increase in number of dropouts, and also the extent to which the withdrawal of mid-day meal scheme is responsible for the same. So, both I and III follow. II appears to be vague.

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