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Interview :: Linux

21) What is the basic difference between BASH and DOS?
  • BASH commands are case sensitive while DOS commands are not case sensitive.
  • DOS follows a convention in naming files. In DOS, 8 character file name is followed by a dot and 3 characters for the extension. BASH doesn't follow such convention.
22) What is a root account?

The root account is like a system administrator account. It provides you full control of the system. You can create and maintain user accounts, assign different permission for each account, etc.

23) What is CLI?

CLI stands for Command Line Interface. It is an interface that allows users to type declarative commands to instruct the computer to perform operations.

24) What is the GUI?

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. It uses the images and the icons which are clicked by the users to communicate with the system. It is more attractive and user-friendly because of the use of the images and icons.

25) Which popular office suite is available free for both Microsoft and Linux?

Open Office Suite is available free for both Microsoft and Linux. You can install it on both of them.

26) Suppose your company is recently switched from Microsoft to Linux and you have some MS Word document to save and work in Linux, what will you do?

Install Open Office Suite on Linux. It facilitates you to work with Microsoft documents.

27) What is SMTP?

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is an internet standard for mail transmission.

28) What is Samba? Why is it used?

Samba service is used to connect Linux machines to Microsoft network resources by providing Microsoft SMB support.

29) What are the basic commands for user management?
  • last,
  • chage,
  • chsh,
  • lsof,
  • chown,
  • chmod,
  • useradd,
  • userdel,
  • newusers etc.
30) What is the maximum length for a filename in Linux?

255 characters.