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Discussion :: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

  1. Chemical potential (an intensive property) of a substance is a force that drives the chemical system to equilibrium and is equal to its partial molar properties. The reatio of chemical potential to free energy of a pure substance at oconstant temperature and pressure is

  2. A.







     None of these

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    Answer : Option B

    Explanation :

    The chemical potential is nothing but partial molar gibbs free energy (since the partial molar functions depicted the change in total molar property with change in composition(moles) we consider partial molar functions as intensive properties), μi=(∂nG∂ni)T,P,nj     when there is only one component ,G(total molar gibbs free energy) becomes independent of composition(intensive property ) so the equation becomes μi=G(∂nI∂ni)T,P,nj
    Hence, μi=G

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