Home / Arithmetic Aptitude / Time and Work :: Discussion

Discussion :: Time and Work

  1. A group of workers undertakes a task. They can complete the task in 30 days. If 5 of them did not turn for the work and the remaining workers complete the task in 40 days, find the original number of workers.
  2. A.
    25 days
    23 days
    21 days
    20 days

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    Answer : Option D

    Explanation :

    Let the original number of workers = X

    X workers can complete the work in 30 days. And (X - 50) complete the same task in 40 days.

    Apply formula: M1D1W2 =M2D2W1

    W1=W2 as the task is the same in both the cases.

    Therefore, X * 30 = (X - 5) * 40

    30 X = 40X - 200

    200 = 40X -30X

    200 = 10 X

    X =   200   =   20days

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